Customised hearing protection

Wijngaarden VeiligGoed offers a wide range of customised hearing protection solutions, including otoplastics. 

In collaboration with our sister company Ronell, we specialise in fitting and supplying otoplastics to minimise the risk of hearing damage in the workplace.

Customised hearing protection: why we recommend using otoplastics

Langere tijd blootgesteld worden aan lawaai, kan leiden tot permanente gehoorschade. Het is daarom heel belangrijk om betrouwbare gehoorbescherming op maat te hebben. 

Our otoplastics are custom-made hearing protectors that perfect fit in het oor. We garanderen daarmee optimum protection en een hoog comfort.

Benefits of otoplastics:

  • Optimal protection against harmful noise
  • Comfortable through personalised fit
  • Durable and cost-efficient in the long term
  • Clear communication remains possible
  • Professional fitting for best results

Fitting otoplastics: a precision process

Het aanmeten van otoplastieken is een zorgvuldig proces, uitgevoerd door onze specialisten van Ronell. 

It starts by making a print van het oor. Daarna wordt er een unique and personal product vervaardigd. 

Steps of fitting:

  • Ear inspection: Checking for ear abnormalities or blockages.
  • Print: Precise imprint of the ear for a perfect fit.
  • Production: Manufacture of the otoplasty based on the impression.
  • Delivery and monitoring: Fit and cushioning are carefully controlled.
Customised hearing protection

Risks of hearing damage:

  • Temporary or permanent hearing loss
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Hyperacusis (hypersensitivity to sound)
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Reduced communication and social isolation

Tips for preventing hearing damage:

  • Always wear hearing protection in noisy environments
  • Provide regular breaks in a quiet environment
  • Avoid exposure to extremely loud noises
  • Choose customised hearing protection for optimal protection and comfort

Knowledge of and innovation in hearing protection

Wijngaarden VeiligGoed innoveert, in samenwerking met Ronell, doorlopend om de beste oplossingen in gehoorbescherming op maat te bieden. 

Innovation in hearing protection:

  • Technological advances: Application of the latest technologies to provide the best hearing protection.
  • Materials research: Continuous improvement of materials for maximum durability and comfort.
  • Customer feedback: Ongoing evaluation and adaptation based on user experience and feedback.
  • Industry-specific solutions: Development of solutions adapted to the specific needs and challenges of various industries. Such as, for example, the food sector.
Customised hearing protection

Extensive range of personal protective equipment

Outside otoplastics, Wijngaarden VeiligGoed has an extensive range of personal protective equipment (PPE) that protects against various occupational hazards. 

From safety helmets and goggles to respiratory protection, each product is designed to provide optimal protection and comfort.

Our range includes such as:

Additional services and support

Naast het leveren van hoogwaardige gehoorbescherming op maat, biedt Wijngaarden VeiligGoed aanvullende diensten om bedrijven te ondersteunen. 

Our services include risk analysis, safety consultancy and training.

Additional services:

  • Risk analysis: Identification and evaluation of potential risks in the working environment.
  • Safety advice: Expert advice on minimising risks and improving workplace safety.
  • Training: Tailor-made training courses to increase safety awareness and knowledge among employees.

Contact us for more information or advice on customised hearing protection options

Get in touch to discuss the options for customised hearing protection. Want to learn more about the options we offer in terms of otoplastics? Then also visit and schedule an appointment with your regional advisor right away.

Phone: 0184 43 44 55

Veelgestelde vragen over gehoorbescherming op maat

Hoe wordt de aanmeting van otoplastieken uitgevoerd?

Het aanmeten van otoplastieken is een precies proces dat begint met een inspectie van het oor op afwijkingen of blokkades. Vervolgens wordt een nauwkeurige afdruk van het oor gemaakt voor de perfecte pasvorm, waarna de otoplastieken worden vervaardigd en geleverd met een zorgvuldige controle op pasvorm en demping.

Welke risico’s zijn verbonden aan gehoorschade?

Gehoorschade kan leiden tot tijdelijk of permanent gehoorverlies, tinnitus (oorsuizen), hyperacusis (overgevoeligheid voor geluid), stress, vermoeidheid, verminderde communicatie, en sociale isolatie. Het is dus essentieel om in lawaaierige omgevingen gehoorbescherming te dragen.

Customised hearing protection
Table of contents
More information

Our advisors are happy to help you or make an appointment if you wish.

Phone: +31 184 434 455