
Guidelines for working safer

In addition to supplying PPE, we are keen to share useful knowledge about personal safety! We provide insight in the occupational risks, but also information regarding the use of PPE. This way, we offer supervisors and employees alike, a helping hand to work more safely.

Knowledge sharing via:

Information posters




Training for proper use of PPE

When using PPE, accurate knowledge and skills are essential. In practice, it all too often turns out that a large part of the PPE is being used incorrectly. Training about proper use of PPE is therefore imperative!

Sometimes employees believe that they are protected, while they are not. We call this ‘false safety’. Of course, it is devastating when, in hindsight, it turns out that the PPE was not effective, because then it will be too late. A few examples:

  • Welding while wearing non-flame-retardant overalls;
  • Wearing contaminated respiratory protection;
  • Hearing protection with insufficient damping;
  • Fall protection with excessively long lines;
  • Incorrect maintenance of the PPE.

Over the years, our consultants have gained a lot of experience by means of SHE meetings and training. They use this know-how to improve the use of the PPE. Posters, SHE meetings and trainings are excellent means to achieve this!

Wat is a SHE meeting?
Sometimes it is necessary to raise the awareness. There are, for instance, employees who are unaware of the occupational risks, who underestimate the risks, or aren’t motivated to make use of PPE. In such events, a SHE meeting is an effective solution.

In a toolbox we delve into occupational risks, explain laws and regulations and explain the function of PPE. Of course, there is plenty of room to ask in-depth questions.

What is a training?
For some job titles, a training regarding the use of PPE is very important. Some PPE requirements demand knowledge and skills for proper use. For instance fall protection, regarding which we provide dozens of trainings per year, but also on chemicals-resistant workwear, respiratory protection or life vests.

In cooperation with you, we will compile an informative training, ensuring that your employees can safely enter the work floor!

More information about our training courses?

Call Stefan de Wit for more information on our training courses or leave your details using the form.

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