The process of implementing corporate clothing is as follows


Implementing new workwear is a project that requires careful planning and execution. It is not just a matter of choosing a new uniform; it is about ensuring safety, comfort, and a positive image of your organisation.

In this article, we take you through the process of implementing corporate clothing, inspired by SafeGood's proven approach. Follow these steps to ensure that your transition to new corporate clothing is smooth and successful.


Start? We do so at the basics

The first step is a thorough inventory. What does your organisation need? What security risks need to be addressed? But also consider your employees' wishes in terms of comfort and appearance. After all, a happy employee contributes to a positive corporate culture. Actively involve your team in this process; Their input is indispensable for the success of the project.


Design and testing

After inventory comes design and testing. This is the time to be creative, but also practical. Your corporate clothing should not only look good, but also be functional. Fitting and testing sessions are crucial. Your employees are the ones who will wear the clothes; their feedback is worth its weight in gold. This is also the time to make any adjustments so that the clothing fits your team's needs perfectly.


design and testing


The 'fine-tuning' during implementation

With the final design ready, it's time for implementation. This includes choosing the final range, linking your systems to the PRO account for a streamlined ordering process, and setting budgets and ordering frequencies. This is also the time to train your employees on how to use their new workwear safely and responsibly.


A smooth delivery please

Smooth delivery is essential to the success of your project. Make sure your corporate clothing is delivered on time and to the right locations. Good stock management and close cooperation with your suppliers will ensure that you always have the right sizes available. And should there be a hitch, make sure you have a shadow assortment to ensure the continuity of your operations.


Cleaning, repair, engagement

Sustainability is more than a buzzword; it is a responsibility. Choose a system that takes a sustainable approach to cleaning and repairing workwear. Work with partners that not only keep your clothes clean and in good condition, but also contribute to a better world.


Continuous optimisation

Finally, it is important to see the process of corporate clothing implementation as a continuous process of insight and optimisation. Set up management reports to measure your environmental impact and listen to feedback from your employees. This will enable you to make continuous improvements and achieve your sustainability and employee satisfaction goals.


Implementing new corporate clothing is an extensive process that requires attention to detail, planning, and most importantly, the commitment of your employees. By following these steps, you will ensure a smooth transition to corporate clothing that not only meets practical requirements, but also contributes to a positive and sustainable corporate culture.


Start here

Are you ready to make the move to new, custom-made workwear that ensures safety, comfort, and durability? Do you feel the need to approach this process with care and expertise, but don't know exactly where to start? Let SafeGood guide you through every step of this important journey. With our years of experience and in-depth knowledge of industrial clothing and personal protective equipment, we are ready to offer you a seamless transition. From initial inventory to final delivery and optimisation.


Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.

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