Every year, 2,700 people die from exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. Many consequences only become known in the longer term, leaving you unknowingly damaged. 

Hazardous substance can penetrate the body in different ways. So, it is important to block this exposure ‘route’, by use of the occupational hygiene strategy, including PPE. Download our e-paper to get more advice regarding the occupational hygiene strategy.

Education & support 

One of the main measures when working with hazardous substances, is education and instruction. If you address this structurally and well, unnecessary exposure to the hazardous substances and calamities can be prevented. The focus is on awareness, measures and acting in emergency situations. This includes reading MSDS and instruction sheets.

Instruction and training are a first step towards awareness. Estimating risks is not only a task for production managers or safety specialists. Employees must learn to estimate risks themselves and to take action.

PPE industry

Personal protection 

In addition to the primary steps in the AH-strategy, PPE usually remains required. Relevant products that we can provide, are: 

  • Protective clothing: liquid-tight clothing or chemicals-overalls, that prevent the body form coming in contact with the liquids. Combine with respiratory protection where necessary.
  • Respiratory protection: to filter dust, vapours or fumes down to far below the limit value (dependent respiratory equipment). If the concentrations are not known or fluctuate too much, dependent respiratory equipment must be chosen.
  • Eye- and Face protection: to protect the face and the eyes against contact with the liquid via splashes or jets. 
  • Hand protection: the hands usually most come in contact with the work. When selecting liquid-tight and chemical-resistant gloves, it is important to find out against which substance they are resistant and whether the penetration time is not being exceeded. 
  • Feet protection: some workplaces require feet protection. To this end, we offer special chemicals-boots that are resistant to certain chemical substances. to that are resistant to certain chemicals. 

Which role can a PPE-consultant fulfil here? 

We see that high-risk-companies are increasingly more aware of the risks. Our PPE-consultants have provided advice in many different work environments. They are familiar with the applicable laws and regulations. By going through the risks together with you, we can help you determine the compulsory PPE. Over time, better solutions will enter the market, causing PPE to become increasingly more safe and more comfortable. Our PPE-consultants closely monitor these developments, so that they can inform you about new PPE every time.  


Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of legislation has been documented with regard to hazardous substances. The basis of regulations is anchored in the Working Conditions Act, articles 3, 5 and 6. Subsequently, the Working Conditions Decree includes an entire chapter with additional regulations. Examples of subjects:

  1. Inventory and registration of hazardous substances 
  2. Determining exposure by means of measuring or estimationear of measurement or estimation 
  3. Inventorying actual risks 
  4. Documenting and implementing of control measures 
  5. Drawing up an action plan, with the aim to prevent and reduce exposure 

For the implementation of the abovementioned steps, auxiliaries like Self-inspection of Hazardous substances by SZW and the Substance Manager tool can be used. 

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More information

Our advisors are happy to help you or make an appointment if you wish.

Phone: +31 184 434 455
Mail: info@veiliggoed.nl


By use of our scan, we inventory risks at function level. By means of an advisory report and a PPE-matrix, you will get an overview of the required protection measures. More information about the PPE-scan.

Hazardous substances, msds, toolbox, arbo

Free E-paper

Working safely with hazardous substances

Employees are often insufficiently aware that exposure to hazardous substances has long-term consequences. In this E-paper, we provide guidance on how to take the right measures.

With this E-paper.
  1. Explain exposure pathways.
  2. We provide guidance using the occupational health strategy
  3. Explain which PPE is relevant
  4. Discover how to create support for the measures taken.

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