FAQ PRO account

A question about the PRO account

As a user of the Wijngaarden VeiligGoed PRO account a question about the webshop? We have placed the most common questions on this page. Is your question not listed? Then get in touch with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

There could be several factors why your password does not work:
- You are using the wrong password
- You are using the wrong mail address. Please check carefully which address is used for PRO account!
- You have Caps-lock on, causing you to accidentally type capital letters
- You copy your password but accidentally copy a space along with it
- Your password has been changed

This is easily solved by requesting a new password. For this, however, it is important that you use the correct e-mail address. After logging in with the new password, you can change the password in your details.

Request a new password here.

Your employer sets a balance per employee to monitor the budget. So we cannot simply change your balance. You must first consult with your clothing contact about this.

You do have the option of ordering items at your own expense from our public webshop.

Yes. As long as your balance is sufficient, you can order all products from your personal shop.

In that case, your (clothing) size has not been communicated. But when you order the right size for the first time, the system will remember the size for next time.

This is due to the agreements with your employer. So we cannot simply change the reception address. You must discuss this with your clothing contact first.

This could have several causes. Please consult your clothing contact for this.

We show only the items for which your employer has given permission. If you want a specific product outside the package, approach your clothing contact.

You also always have the option of ordering items at your own expense from our public webshop.

This can have several causes. If it is urgent, immediately take contact with us.

Administrator login is extra secure. When logging in, you will receive a verification code by e-mail. Therefore, to log in, you need to have access to this e-mail address.

What is that for?
The AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) places requirements on how personal data is processed. One of these requirements is that data is confidential and must therefore be properly secured. It is a legal requirement to take appropriate security measures to protect personal data.

How do we keep it practical?
You only need to enter the verification code once a week. However, when logging in from a different location, you do need to enter the verification code. Verification is done based on ip address, not on the device used to log in. So a login on mobile will need to be verified more often than a fixed PC.

Can we turn this off?
No, given the security requirements, it is necessary to apply additional security measures. Since administrators can access and easily export personal data, we do not disable this.

Some customers choose to buy items in advance and stock them themselves. This way, the employee has immediate access to the products. Nevertheless, he must order the item in PRO account in advance so that he does not exceed his budget. This allows you to keep track of your own stock and current budgets.