Creating support for safety


You keep banging on about it: Ear muffs on, buttons down, safety glasses on. But colleagues just don't feel like it. Safety is not worn. And PPE certainly not.

Personal safety is attracting increasing interest. Where in the past there was more ambiguity, today there are clear guidelines. In every company, the with an RI&E are recorded and appropriate measures taken. So far, that's the theory.

But what is the practice? You know it yourself: everything hinges on support. You need others to realise good ideas! You can come up with good ideas, but if your employees do not (re)recognise the dangers, there will be less incentive to follow the rules. To help you with this challenge, we share 4 tips:

1. Engage your employees

Approach key stakeholders at an early stage. Consider, for example, a foreman or a manager on the shop floor. The earlier they are involved in the process, the better. To create support, a concrete plan is important. Possibly preceded by an earlier problem description. Your employees can help with this.

 "You need others to make good 
realise ideas!"

2. The right arguments

Every year, there are many victims of occupational accidents. And all sorts of occupational diseases lurk in the meantime. Set out the facts to convince your employees. What are the dangers for the employee? What are the dangers to the company image? No company wants to see an employee incapacitated for a long time, or likes to see their name reflected in the media in a negative way. One-to-one conversations can also increase support within the company. Provided you ask for feedback on your improvement plans. Getting your employees excited needs attention. This will keep your plan alive and ensure support for the future.

3. Make security attractive

With personal safety, you get very close to the employee himself. Unfortunately, PPE and safety clothing are often unpopular. "It's hot, stuffy and itchy". Either way, employees are not lining up for them. But are PPE and workwear then doomed to failure a priori? Certainly not! We know many companies where employees are proud of their clothing. Who enjoy putting on their shoes and PPE. The secret? Comfort and appearance. Two important links in our 'safety chain'. A good test helps you choose comfortable PPE. And in a work session you design tough, representative workwear. Success (safety) guaranteed!

4. Communicate

Has a route been chosen? Then stay in constant conversation. Communication is key. Communicate the policy and constantly evaluate the findings. A newsletter also makes a positive contribution. And above all, don't forget to share successes with your employees.

Coert de Jongste
Safety expert

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